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2023 Fellow

Yinon Bar-On

PhD Institution
Weizmann Institute of Science
Postdoctoral institution and lab

Fischer Lab and Frankenberg Lab, California Institute of Technology

Yinon is a quantitative biologist looking at global-scale phenomena. During his PhD he studied global ecology, providing the first comprehensive census of the total biomass of all life on Earth. He also applied his quantitative skillset to help address the COVID-19 pandemic.

As a Schmidt Science Fellow, Yinon will pivot into Earth sciences, where he will try to combine his past expertise with new emerging tools, such as remote sensing platforms, to build a holistic understanding of the dynamics of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems.

Yinon’s long-term goals of his research is to help tackle the global warming and biodiversity crises humanity is currently facing by helping to both better model future responses of the Earth system to global change, as well as to pinpoint places in which effective management could have a substantial environmental impact.