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Looking back: the best of the 2019 UK Global Meeting

Our recent United Kingdom Global Meeting was the first time two cohorts of Schmidt Science Fellows came together, with the interaction sparking rich interdisciplinary conversations. 

The 2018 Fellows returned to Rhodes House and Oxford to complete their Fellowship year with sessions aimed to support the next steps in their careers. Our 2019 cohort came together for their first Global Meeting and explored themes such as science communication, ethics, leadership, and problem-solving. They visited world-leading centers including the Blavatnik School of Government in Oxford, Imperial College London, DeepMind in London, the Sainsbury Laboratory University of Cambridge, and the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology.

All 34 Fellows engaged in combined activities aimed at building a sense of community and exploring shared interests, such as a session on engaging with global society challenges delivered by the How to Change the World program.

The Global Meeting program aims to provide Schmidt Science Fellows with the necessary skills to enable them to be effective future interdisciplinary science leaders.

Learn more about the UK Global Meeting experience, watch the highlights video, read blogs from our Fellows below, and view the photo gallery.

Dr Ina Anreiter, 2019 Fellow: Of Heart and Courage

During our first Global Meeting, we met an amazing and inspiring array of people, each person exceptionally accomplished in their profession. Not only is it inspiring to be surrounded by so much knowledge, initiative, and experience; it also makes made me wonder: what do these people, whose work has had genuine societal impact, have in common?…  Read more

Dr Jyotirmoy Mandal, 2019 Fellow: The importance of personal interdisciplinarity

If the goal of ‘interdisciplinarity’ is to create pathbreaking scientific ideas and perspectives, perhaps it should be fostered not only between research groups or individuals, but also within individuals themselves. The recent Global Meeting, centered in Oxford, was clearly designed to impress this idea upon us Fellows…  Read more