On maternity leave as of 12 June 2023.

Abby works with the Admissions Team to support the selection of the most promising candidates for the Fellowship Program. Abby is involved in all aspects of the candidate journey, from nomination, through application and review, to selection.

Abby has over 10 years’ experience in academic research spanning medicinal chemistry and drug design, cancer biology, biochemistry, genetics, and neuroscience, with a focus on projects that aim to understand mechanisms underlying aging and age-related diseases.

Abby obtained a Chemistry (MChem) degree from Brasenose College at the University of Oxford and worked as a research technician for just over two years before pursuing a MSc in Biomedical Sciences at University College London. She returned to the University of Oxford at Lincoln College and completed her DPhil in Interdisciplinary Biosciences (Biochemistry) as a Clarendon scholar.