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2023 Fellow

Juan Carlos Martinez Mori

PhD Institution
Cornell University
Postdoctoral institution and lab

Toriello Group, Georgia Institute of Technology

Juan Carlos is an Ecuadorian civil engineer turned mathematician. During his PhD he worked on a variety of subjects: from the theory and practice of discrete optimization, in particular, network design, vehicle routing, and their applications in transportation systems to enumerative combinatorics.

As a Schmidt Science Fellow at Georgia Tech, he will pivot into algorithmic fairness and Computer Science cooperative game theory. His objective is to develop mathematical foundations that support equitable public decision-making. He will study the inherent tensions between notions of fairness, efficiency, and social cooperation within the design of equitable public infrastructure, aiming to improve service in practice.

Juan Carlos was born and raised in Guayaquil, Ecuador. His passion is to conduct mathematics research in support of social good and to empower communities by improving representation in the mathematical sciences.