Schmidt Science Fellows has appointed Prof Samir Bhatt as a Member of its Academic Council. Council Members provide bespoke mentoring to individual Schmidt Science Fellows and, as a Council, act as an advisory group to Program leadership.

Prof Bhatt’s appointment increases the breadth of expertise available to the Schmidt Science Fellows community, especially in computer science and machine learning. He also strengthens the Council’s knowledge and experience of the European scientific landscape.

Prof Bhatt is a Professor of Machine Learning and Public Health at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and a Professor of Statistics and Public Health at Imperial College London, UK. His research focuses on ways to harness the potential of mathematics, statistics, and machine learning to tackle and advance public health questions. Prof Bhatt completed his first degree, in Chemical and Bioprocess Engineering, at the University of Bath, UK, before continuing to study for a MPhil at the University of Cambridge and a DPhil at the University of Oxford. His DPhil work focused on Statistical Genetics. Prof Bhatt currently splits his time between the UK and Denmark, but lives in Denmark.

Prof Bhatt was named one of 10 inaugural Schmidt Science Polymaths winners in 2022.The Schmidt Science Polymaths is a program of Schmidt Futures that makes long-term  bets  on recently tenured researchers with remarkable track records, promising futures, and a desire to explore risky new interdisciplinary research ideas. The award provides funding for Prof Bhatt’s research group to pursue interdisciplinary science with the potential to achieve a major breakthrough.

I am delighted to join the Schmidt Science Fellows Academic Council and I am keen to get to work supporting current and future Fellows to maximize their potential as interdisciplinary science leaders.

Prof Sir Keith Burnett, Chair of the Schmidt Science Fellows Academic Council, said: “We hear from our Fellows that one of the most valued features of the Schmidt Science Fellows program is the individual mentoring they receive from our Academic Council Members. The mentoring provides guidance, support, and encouragement as Fellows transition through their interdisciplinary journeys and develop their career paths. I am thrilled that we are strengthening the Council in such a significant way with Prof Bhatt’s appointment. He will bring important expertise in machine learning and will provide additional perspectives on European institutions and career structures that I know will be of immense benefit to Fellows.”

Prof Bhatt commented: “I strongly believe that interdisciplinary science is how we will advance knowledge more quickly and make the breakthroughs that will benefit society. I am thrilled about the potential of the Schmidt Science Fellows program and believe it will lead to a new generation of promising scientists. Pursuing interdisciplinary science is hard, and I believe that those of us with experience should contribute our time and expertise to support early career scientists who are committed to this path. I am delighted to join the Schmidt Science Fellows Academic Council and I am keen to get to work supporting current and future Fellows to maximize their potential as interdisciplinary science leaders.”

Prof Bhatt joins the Academic Council in January 2023, ahead of the 2023 cohort of Fellows to be announced later this year. Academic Council positions are part time. With Prof Bhatt’s appointment, the Council’s membership numbers six accomplished, international senior scientists.