Chris Buratta
Communications Manager
Chris is responsible for the development and delivery of communications to support our aims to promote awareness of and engagement with our Fellows, their science, and our mission to advance interdisciplinary science.
He works across our Fellowship community, extended network, and range of partners to find stories and the opportunities to tell them.
With more than 20 years’ experience, including more than a decade in the research and innovation sector, his professional experience extends to communications roles within major funding organizations, leading research institutes and centers, the NHS, and as a journalist and news editor.
Before Schmidt Science Fellows, Chris was Head of External Communications for UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the UK’s main public funder of research, he was responsible for proactive and reactive external relations, issues management, and incident response.
He has worked across a wide portfolio of research areas from AI to medical sciences and particle physics to life sciences, managing communications for major projects including the formation and launch of The Alan Turing Institute. He has served on the European Particle Physics Communications Network based at CERN and the Communications and Outreach Working Group of the SKA, an intergovernmental astronomy organization.