Our Fellows pursue a postdoctoral Research Placement in a world-class environment that best meets their needs to develop interdisciplinary science.
Fellowship Research Placements can be completed anywhere in the world and in a broad range of research environments. We encourage every Fellow to take advantage of this unique academic freedom to explore a range of options and institutions.
Placement destinations are developed and agreed upon by each Fellow after Selection, with support from experienced Academic Council mentors and our Program Team.
This ensures Fellows pursue their research in a location and laboratory that best supports their scientific plans and their personal and professional development. We require all Fellows to have an affiliation with an academic institution throughout the Placement to support their professional development.

Fellowship Research Placements can be from 12 to 24 months long. In discussion with the Program, Fellows are given the flexibility to determine their Placement length between the 12-24 month range.
Fellows opting for Placements continuing into the second year of funding must maintain good standing with the Program and Placement lab as well as demonstrate ongoing commitment to interdisciplinary research to qualify for continued funding. However, there are no scientific outcome benchmarks that must be met. This approach ensures that Fellows can pursue bold research agendas without the concern of experimental setbacks affecting their support.
Each Fellow receives a stipend of $110,000 a year to support their personal and living costs for the duration of the Fellowship Research Placement.

Meet the Fellows
Discover how our Fellows transitioned from their PhD studies to groundbreaking postdoctoral research at top scientific institutions worldwide, embracing interdisciplinary approaches.