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Reflections on the 2018 Oxford Global Meeting

The inaugural Schmidt Science Fellows Global Meeting took place in Oxford, UK, over two weeks in July and August 2018. Centred on the historic venue of Rhodes House in the heart of Oxford, Fellows participated in sessions on ethics, leadership, and problem-solving and met leaders in science, business, and public policy. The group visited world-leading centers including the Blavatnik School of Government and the University of Cambridge.

Schmidt Science Fellows attend four convenings as a cohort during their fellowship year. This Global Meeting Series is held around the world to enable our Fellows to engage with new concepts, to visit leading science facilities, and to have a dialogue with internationally-renowned thought-leaders from science, business, policy, and society.

Schmidt Science Fellows Executive Director, Dr Megan Wheeler, remarked: “The Global Meetings are a key component of our fellowship program. Through these convenings we provide training beyond what is traditionally taught in the laboratory that we feel is essential for the development of our Fellows as interdisciplinary science leaders. This first meeting was full of ideas, collaboration, excitement, and cutting-edge science.”

Explore more of the Fellows’ experiences with the video, image gallery, and blogs from some of the 2018 Schmidt Science Fellows on this page.

Dr Ryan Truby: ‘What! You too?’

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too?’ ” Read more

Dr Jielai Zhang: Friendship and ethics

This meeting has imprinted in my memory not only thoughts on science and leadership, but it has also seeded and bloomed friendship. Read more

Dr Karl Barber: In the footsteps of giants

To visit Oxford is to feel a humbling sense of history, conjuring images of luminaries who once strolled the cobblestone streets. Read more

Dr Yogesh Goyal: A rare opportunity

In the modern age, which values hyperspecialization, this meeting offered a rare opportunity to confront questions of society and leadership through the lenses of policy, ethics, and companionship. Read more